Journée scientifique 2020 - visuel G. Aulanier

Scientific days

Each year, the PLAS@PAR scientific day brings together our entire community; it allows researchers, engineers, PhD students and postdocs to present their latest research work. These privileged moments between the different actors of plasma research create links and stimulate the emergence of new interdisciplinary projects.

Scientific days

To foster collaborations between laboratories, to create a sense of community, to provide recent results.

The Scientific day will be held in person, at Roussy Amphitheater on the Cordeliers campus - Sorbonne University (15-21 rue de l'école de Medecine, 75006 Paris - Odéon metro stop)

Program :

  • 9H00 - Welcome Coffee
  • 9:30 -  Laurence Rezeau, LPP : Nouvelles de la fédération de recherche
  • 9:55 - Renaud Ferrand, Victor Désangles, Paul-Quentin Elias, ONERA : Plasma impedance measurements in an ECR thruster
  • 10:20 - Martin Lemoine, APC : Suprathermal particle acceleration and transport in large-amplitude magnetized turbulence
  • 10:45 - Luca Barbieri, post-doc LESIA : Temperature and density profiles in the corona of a stellar atmosphere induced by stochastic heating at its base
  • 11:10 - Julien Fuchs, LULI : Saturation of the compression of two interacting magnetized toroidal plasmas evidenced in the laboratory 
  • 11:35 -  Karim Ouaras, LPICM : Low-temperature plasma deposition of III-V semiconductor materials
  • 12:00 - Arno Vanthieghem, LERMA : Fast radio bursts as precursor radio emission from monster shocks
  • 13:30 - Sae Aizawa, LPP : Electron acceleration observed by BepiColombo during its Mercury flybys
  • 13:55 - Emily Lamour, INSP : Des collisions ion-ion dans les sous-sol de l'INSP
  • 14:20 - Stéphane Sebban, LOA : Plasmas par laser femtoseconde et applications au LOA
  • 14:45 - Mandy Bethkenhagen, LULI : Pushing ab initio simulations towards extreme conditions: insights on the electronic structure of beryllium
  • 15:10 - Edmond Baratte, LPP : Projet Cycles: Valorisation des plasmas pour les réactions à impact environnemental
  • 15:35 - Franck Delahaye, LERMA : Measuring Opacities at GEKKO XII and at APOLLON
  • 16:00 - Panis, Le Contel, LERMA : Preliminary results of velocity measurements of a radiative shock generated by magnetic acceleration

The Scientific day will be held in person, at Sorbonne University, on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, they will take place in : Conference room 106 - Tower 44-45 - 1st floor.

Program :

  • 9:00 - Welcome Coffee
  • 9:30 - Jean Paul Booth, LPP : Improving our understanding of plasma-surface interactions through in-situ measurements
  • 9:55 - Alessandra Ravasio, LULI : Keeping moderate temperatures in shock compression experiments: the case of melting of super-ionic ammonia
  • 10:20 - Nicolina Chrysaphi, LPP : The distortion of radio observations by the heliosphere
  • 10:45 - Oksana Travnikova, LCPMR : Capturing early stages of X-ray-induced ultrafast nuclear dynamics by electron-ion coincidence methods
  • 11:10 - Arseny Mironov, LULI : Generating electron-positron plasma in QED avalanches with ultra-high intensity lasers
  • 11:35 - Carine Briand, LESIA : A VLF worldwide-network to study the impact of solar eruptions on the ionosphere
  • 12:00 - Lunch Break -  Posters Session
  • 13:30 - Jonas August : AUXOWAY, from the lab to agricultural applications
  • 13:55 - Emanuele Cazzola, LPP/LATMOS : Plasma dynamics around Mercury under different interplanetary conditions from hybrid simulations
  • 14:20 - Anna Grassi, LULI : Generation of intense magnetic fields with Ultra-High Intensity lasers
  • 14:45 - Congcong Jia, LCPMR : Theoretical investigation of antiproton-helium/molecular hydrogen collisions in the keV energy range
  • 15:10 - Alexis Jeandet, LPP : SciQLop: a tool suite to facilitate multi-mission data browsing and analysis
  • 15:35 - Audrey Chatain, LATMOS : Study the formation of organic aerosols in Titan's ionosphere combining in situ measurements and lab experiment
  • 16:00 - Hanna Lahmar, LULI : Stellar opacities in lab

Two scientific days will be held in person, at the Sorbonne University conference center, on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, they will take place in conference room 106 - tower 44-45 - 1st floor.

Program : Monday 14 November 2022

  • 09:00     Welcome coffee        

  • 10:00     Laurent Masse (CEA) - ICF Recent breakthrough

  • 11:00      Charly Pinçon (post-doc LERMA) - Studying the magnetic field topology and latitudinal luminosity profile of low mass stars with global simulations

  • 11:20      Dawei Peng (LCPMR) - Comissioning and first results of MOSARIX : A new X-Ray soectrometer in the range of tender X-Rays (2-5 keV).

  • 11:50      Mariette Jolly (doctorante INSP) - Progress of the ion-ion collisions project : theoretical and experimental developments.

  • 12:15       LUNCH BREAK | Session poster

  • 14:00     Pascal Chabert (LPP) - Plasma Propulsion for Space Applications

  • 14:45     Amélie Jarnac (ONERA) - Caractérisation dynamique de l'érosion de fixations aéronautiques soumises à la foudre par imagerie X en contraste de phase.

  • 15:15       Arnaud Zaslavsky (LESIA) - An overview of the first orbits of Solar Orbiter

Program : Thursday 15 November 2022

  • 09:00    Welcome Coffee      

  • 09:30      David Pai (LPP) - Characteristic length scales of plasma electrochemical reactors for nanomaterials synthesis. 

  • 10:00     Sylvain Badin (LCPMR) - Theoretical study of the I+ + I- mutual neutralization reaction.

  • 10:30    Louis Duval (LKB) - Étude de spectres d'émission X dans des plasmas d'ions très chargés.

  • 10:50      Nicolas Aunai (LPP) - Towards global scale modèls and observations of the dayside magnetosphere, AMR Hybrid PIC simulations and massive statistical observations.

  • 11:20      Samuel Marini (post-doc LULI) - Direct particle acceleration by high-intensity laser pulses.

  • 11:40    Yevhen Tkachenko (doctorant LERMA) - MHD simulations of Magneto Plasma Dynamic Thrusters.

  • 12:15    LUNCH BREAK |  Session poster

  • 14:00     J. Bucalossi (IRFM/CEA) - Point sur les recherches en fusion magnétique.

  • 15:00     Philippe Savoini (LPP) - Evidence and analysis of ion/electron foreshocks in subcritical regime : 2D PIC Self-consistent simulations.

  • 15:30      Laure Vermare (LPP) - Turbulence regulation in fusion plasmas.

  • 16:00 END.

Posters - 14 & 15 November :

  •  Théo Pellegrin      LPP        Dynamics of a solar coronal pseudo-stream : slow solar wind generation ;
  • Etienne Pariat       LPP        Magnetic Helicity as a marker of solar eruptivity ;
  • Ludovic Petitdemange      LERMA        Hidden dynamos spin down radiative stars ;
  • Pierre-Louis Bourgeois     LCPMR        Iodine Plasma chemistry for electric propulsion ;
  • Pierre Morel            LPP        Approximation différentielle pour la turbulence 2D ;
  • Matthieu Berthomier      LPP         Electron Plasma Camera for the Plasma Observatory ESA mission ;

It was held on Monday, October 18, 2021, face-to-face, at the Sorbonne University conference center, on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus.

Program :

  •     09:00 Welcome
  •     9:30 Farzaneh Arefi LISE Atmospheric pressure plasma surface activation for space instrumentation
  •     9:55 Alexander Vinogradov LESIA Young solar wind coherent structures from inertial to sub-ion range
  •     10:20 Tommaso Vinci LULI Diffraction of iron on the Mégajoule laser
  •     10:45 Nancy Paul LKB Testing Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics with Highly-charged Ions and Exotic Atoms
  •     11:10 Léa Griton LESIA From the Golden Age of (inner) Heliophysics to future exploration of space plasmas laboratories
  •     11:35 Alejandro Alvarez Laguna LPP Moment model for low-temperature discharges
  •     12:00 Post session break | Prize giving for the photo video competition
  •     13:30 Camille Lévêque LCPMR High-order density matrices and partial detection of trapped cold bosons
  •     13:55 Jean-Raphaël Marques LULI Plasma tailoring by ns-lasers, application to proton acceleration
  •     14:20 Benjamin Estèves LPP Investigation of iodine plasmas for space propulsion applications
  •     14:45 Stéphane Guilet INSP Plasma etching for nanostructures
  •     15:10 Jean-Marie Malherbe LESIA MétéoSpace, the first French automatic station to monitor solar activity
  •     15:35 Sébastien Le Pape LULI Overview of the inertial confinement fusion program


  • Youcef AOUAD LULI Ionic electric microfield effect on atomic populations in Non-LTE plasmas
  • Federico Petrinio LPP Conditions of appearance and dynamics of the Modified Two-Stream Instability in ExB discharges
  • Théo Pellegrin LPP A 3D MHD simulation to model the dynamics of a pseudo-streamer
  • Karl-Ludwig Klein LESIA Recent solar observations with the Nancay Radioheliograph
  • Mohammed Baraka LPP Study of a magnetic reconnection event at the Earth magnetopause due to a large-scale solar wind perturbation: Using MMS data
  • Soboh Alqeeq LPP Investigation of the homogeneity of energy conversion processes at dipolarization fronts from MMS measurements
  • Olivier Le Contel LPP Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS

Thank you all for your participation!

The 1st scientific day of the Federation was held on October 5, 2020 both face-to-face and remotely, due to the health context. Many of you participated, thank you all!

Find the program below:

    09:00: Martin Lemoine, IAP - Plasma physics in the high-energy multi-messenger Universe
    09:35: Iyas Ismail, LCPMR - MOSARIX: a high resolution high efficiency moveable X-ray spectrometer project in the tender x-ray region (2-10 keV)
    10:10: Nicolas Aunai, LPP - Parallel hybrid code with adaptive mesh refinement
    10:45: Break
    11:00: Laurence Rezeau, PLAS @ PAR, Some institutional news
    11:35: Sophie Musset, LESIA, Solar Orbiter - Scientific objectives and first observations
    12:10: Jean Porto, ONERA - Electromagnetic PIC Simulation of an ECR Plasma Thruster with Magnetic Nozzle
    12:45: Break & poster session

  • V. Bommier, LESIA, Solar photosphere magnetization
  • L. Hadid, LPP, Polarization electrostatic field in the presence of negatively charged nm grains: implications for dust confinement near Saturn's F ring
  • S. AL Qeeq, LPP, Analysis of energy conversion processes at kinetic scales associated with a series of dipolarization fronts observed by MMS during a substorm
  • P. Indelicato, LKB, Transition energies, widths and intensity ratios of core-excited lithiumlike sulfur and argon using an electron-cyclotron-resonance ion source plasma

    2:00 pm: Ronan Modolo, LATMOS - Modeling the responses of planetary magnetospheres during solar storms, R. Modolo, F. Leblanc, D. Fontaine, et al.
    14:35: Farzi Arefi, LISE - Surface treatment of polymers by plasma processes for biomedical applications
    3:10 pm: Lina Hadid, LPP - Saturn's ionosphere measured by the Langmuir probe during the "Grand Finale" of the Cassini mission
    15:45: Break
    16:00: Franck Delahaye, LERMA - New opacities for Astrophysical Applications
    16:35: Anthony Mercuri, LULI - Electron positron pair production in collisions of gamma photons and high intensity vortex beams